Everything is handmade, handcrafted and using locally sourced ingredients when available. We use a mix of Valrhona, Callebaut and Coco Barry Couverture Chocolate. No additives, fillers or preservatives are used. (Nutella) is my version using toasted hazelnuts and Valrhona chocolate to make the paste. Inclusions like the chocolate cookies for the cookies & cream frosting are handmade as well. All Chocolate candies are handcrafted/hand molded.


Bakery Menu Order Form

All orders must be placed at least one week prior to pick up date. 
No shipping currently. Pickup only. All orders will be pre-paid.

See our Cupcake Menu sheet for listings of current and seasonal flavors available.
Minimum order is one dozen.
Please make a note of any allergies and instructions for packaging.